Artist Statement

I photograph the natural human form with my subjects posing nude. I shoot black-and-white medium format film to get a great range of tones, from stark white to pitch black; and the larger 120mm negative allows my images to print at a larger size. Photographing naked bodies in nature is an amalgamation that has been seen throughout photography as an artistic and documentary medium since its inception in the mid 19th century. I challenge this tradition by disconnecting the subject and the viewer in an effort to break the stereotypical male gaze. In most instances, for example, the face is turned away or hidden from the onlooker, avoiding its gaze entirely. Clothes can be distracting and this is a main reason I photograph the nude body; there is nothing to hide behind, yet the subject’s guard always comes down when their face is covered- there are no more inhibitions. Rather than portraying women in a way men find appealing or attractive, I pose the subject in awkward positions, sometimes using grotesque props, as a means of pushing against the former notion of the male gaze. When photographing the naked body with creepy masks the viewer questions the world and hopefully their own sanity. 


Elisabeth Ciaccio is an artist born and raised in the South, specifically the mountains of Western North Carolina in Asheville. Elisabeth found photography as a creative outlet at the age of 17 when she enrolled in a photography appreciation course at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College. Following high school she pursued a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of North Carolina at Asheville with a concentration in photography. During those years Ciaccio was heavily influenced by other women artists, such as: Diane Arbus, Francesca Woodman, and Ana Mendieta. In the Spring of 2017 she left North Carolina to move to New York City. Ciaccio’s early work was driven largely by her surroundings of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the accessible natural beauty of the region. Since moving to New York, however, she found the lack of natural landscapes forced a shift in her methodology; Ciaccio primarily photographs her subjects in a studio environment, one that is readily available. Although, through traveling and resourcefulness, Elisabeth has been able to utilize the outside world in her recent work. Elisabeth primarily uses a Yashica D, but also utilizes a Holga 120N and a Nikon FA.


Elisabeth Ciaccio, “The Mask,” PLATEFORM Magazine, access date: December 11, 2017

Solo Exhibitions:

2014 “Implicit | Explicit: The Line Between Art and Porn,” Pink Dog Studios, Asheville, NC

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2021 “Dangerous Lullabies VII National Exhibition,” The Dole, Crystal Lake, IL, Juror: J + K Isacson Arts 

2018 “Fun House,” Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie NY, Jurors: Danijela Purssey and Istvan Banyai

2018 “Mnemonic,” H. Gallery, Ventura, CA Juror: Michael Miner

2018 “Krappy Kamera,” SoHo Photo Gallery, Manhattan, NY Juror: Sandra Carrion

2017 “Somerville Toy Camera Festival,” Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA

2015 “PBR Art Show Case,” Mothlight Gallery, Asheville, NC

2014 “47th Annual Juried Student Exhibition,” UNCA, Asheville, NC Juror: Ron Fondaw, artist.

2013 “46th Annual Juried Student Exhibition”, UNCA, Asheville, NC Juror: John Oles, artist

2010 “6th Annual Student Art Show”, AB-Tech Community College, Asheville, NC


